A Month Since My Last Post???

So what...is this gonna be a monthly thing?

We've been SOOOO busy! I started working at my internship with Susan Tiffin and am having a WONDERFUL time! She's a fabulous designer who id really down to earth and actually reminds me a lot of my crafty wonderful mom. Joe is still working extremely hard to provide for us. I'm sure he doesn't enjoy it all the time, but he's absolutely the best husband in the world and doesn't ever complain.

I'm working on a streamlined portfolio website and will have that done soon...hopefully.
We have about a week and a half until school starts and we have a ton to do before that. I still have to wipe my computer...yes...it is full. I have to organize/rearrange the office, I HAVE to get a good planner (!!!) and we've still got to get our newsletters out from our Vienna trip. Okay, so it doesn't seem like a lot but when we're both working, the little things really add up. Not to mention that I have to start working out again. I added Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred to our netflix cue and am SO excited to start that! Well...excited and dreading it! I hear it's absolutely killer!

Wish me luck!

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