Vern Yip

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting HGTV Designer Vern Yip!
Last week I got a text from a classmate saying Vern would be visiting the local I.O. Metro store. Vern has partnered with the furniture and decor retailer and is touring the stores, I suppose as a spokesperson. I was SO excited at the thought of meeting such a renowned designer, I simply couldn't miss the opportunity. So...yesterday was quite a full day!
First, my husband had class and a meeting on campus, then I had to finish homework. When Joe got home, I left for the super cute coffee shop near I.O metro, since I didn't know how long my homework was going to take. I got done with my work a couple hours earlier than I thought I would so I headed back home to see my man.
On my way out of the parking lot I thought I'd drive by I.O. Metro and just see if there was a line and whether I should jump in line or not. There wasn't so I continued on home. BUT...there are two extremely important things you should know before reading the next part of this post!
  1. The store is on a corner in the parking lot
  2. I look at other drivers as I pass them going the opposite direction
As I was pulling around the corner, I noticed the driver of the champagne colored sedan was none other than the exact person I was hoping to see in just a couple hours! It's safe to say, as a result of my stupid starstruckedness...and there I go making up turn was not as sharp as it could have been. I didn't hit him, but I was definitely MUCH closer than I would have liked, or even should have been if concentrating on my driving AT ALL. I just keep telling myself that it really wasn't that close and that Vern had something else on his mind and didn't notice. *Crosses fingers* Vern, If you're reading this, I apologize profusely. WAY TO LEAVE A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION, KATE!!!
Anyway, when the time was right and my girls were ready to go, we finally made our trip to the store. We stood in the rather short line and got to ask Vern a couple questions about our portfolios. He didn't seem to remember me as the dipstick who can't drive, so all is well.
It was a good meeting, and I feel I left a good enough impression that I won't be completely skipped over in a couple of years when I have experience and projects under my belt and am auditioning for Design Star. *Crosses fingers*...again!

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